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Beautiful French Town

Architecture and Environment

Francophone Architecture and Environment

Frederick County has its own piece of French Colonial architecture, and it can be found at the Monocacy Battlefield. While the Battle of the Monacacy is most known for slowing the Confederate Army's march towards Washington, D.C. during the Civil War, the battlefield is home to L'Hermitage, which was owned by Victoire Vincendière. Victoire Pauline Marie Gabrielle de la Vincendière arrived in Frederick from Haiti (Saint-Domingue during the Colonial period) in 1793, where she eventually established one of the largest plantations in the county. She brought construction and architectural techniques that were familiar to her when her family relocated to Maryland. Most prominently is the large stone barn, unique among barns in Frederick County. Learn more about the Victoire Vincendière and L'Hermitage by visiting the Monocacy Battlefield website.  

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